j. Acceptance of a Secondary Storm Drainage Easement from Stander, LLC for Chatfield
Industrial Park - Block 1 - Lot 7 - 1st Revision (3900 Norwood Drive) to Provide Access to
the Private Stormwater System to Perform Maintenance in the Event the Owner Fails to
Adequately Maintain said Facilities, Douglas County Project No. DV2023-193.
Approval of the Storm Drainage Easement — Department of Public Works Engineering
Chuck Smith, Engineer III
This Storm Drainage Easement is located on Chatfield Industrial Park - Block 1 - Lot 7 - 1st
Revision (3900 Norwood Drive) and encompasses swales, pipes, and a detention/water
quality pond. The stormwater infrastructure serves the site improvements. This Storm
Drainage Easements will provide Douglas County access to the private stormwater system to
perform maintenance in the event the owner fails to adequately maintain said facilities.
k. Acceptance of General Warranty Deed from Edward Boyd and Nadine Boyd Regarding
Right-of-Way for the West I-25 Frontage Road Relocation Project, in the Amount of
$88,660.00; Douglas County Project No. CI 2020-015.
Staff recommends the BCC approve the right-of-way acquisition and authorize the Chair to
accept and record the GWD. — Department of Public Works Engineering
Dirk Zender, Real Property Acquisition Specialist II
On August 13, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Construction Contact
with Holcim-WRC to relocate the West I-25 Frontage Road from the east side of the BNSF
railroad tracks to the west side to increase roadway safety and enhance mobility (the
“Project”). The County is responsible to construct the portion of the relocated frontage road
(referred to as Dawson Trails Blvd) between Tomah Road and the Town of Castle Rock’s
municipal boundary approximately 1 mile to the north, which will then ultimately tie into the
future I-25/Crystal Valley Parkway Interchange.
The Project was bid with an additional Schedule B to add improvements to the Tomah
Road/Bear Dance Drive Intersection consisting of minor widening of Tomah Road, a mill
and overlay of the existing roadway pavement section and a slight realignment of Bear Dance
Drive (the “Additional Project Improvement”). In order to construct and maintain the
Additional Project Improvements, the County needs to acquire additional roadway
right-of-way from a parcel of real property owned by Edward Boyd and Nadine Boyd
(“Boyd”). County staff has discussed the Additional Project Improvements with Boyd and
reached agreement on the acquisition of the right-of-way.